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Moonshine Creek Distillery
Moonshine Creek Distillery4 months ago
Our rum gift set is ready!
Available at our distillery store.
It is also available through our website store, but may have a delayed delivery due to the Canada Post strike.

This rum gift set includes:
- 3 x 60ml of our craft rum (Nautical Reserve, Gingersnap rum cream, AJ Violette’s Rhum)
- 100ml of rum infused maple syrup.
- 1 rum cake (1oz of rum)
- 2 shot glasses.
Moonshine Creek Distillery
Moonshine Creek Distillery4 months ago
Pinkish Ginny is now available at NB Liquor!
This gin has flavours of hibiscus, lavender, rose hip and lemon. Perfect for a gin sour or with a bit of tonic.

Available at Alcool NB Liquor . You can also find it at the distillery and our online store.
Moonshine Creek Distillery
Moonshine Creek Distillery4 months ago
Please be advised, due to the Canada Post strike we expect delayed deliveries on orders placed through our website store.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Moonshine Creek Distillery
Moonshine Creek Distillery4 months ago
Jeremiah Clark, Moonshine Creek Distillery CEO and head distiller, pours a sample of Chicken Bones Liqueur™ to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the innovative drink. Moonshine Creek’s cinnamon and chocolate flavoured liqueur evokes holiday memories of a classic treat known and loved by generations of New Brunswickers. Chicken Bones Liqueur™ is now for sale at ANBL stores and through the Moonshine Creek website and company store in Waterville, New Brunswick.

Jeremiah Clark, PDG et maître distillateur de Moonshine Creek Distillery, verse un échantillon de Chicken Bones Liqueur™ pour célébrer le 5e anniversaire de cette boisson innovante. La liqueur de Moonshine Creek, aux saveurs de cannelle et de chocolat, évoque des souvenirs des fêtes d’une friandise classique, connue et aimée par des générations de Néo-Brunswickois. Chicken Bones Liqueur™ est maintenant en vente dans les magasins ANBL ainsi que sur le site Web de Moonshine Creek et dans leur boutique à Waterville, Nouveau-Brunswick.™-750ml

#chickenbones #craftspirits #explorenb